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AASAN is a non advantage intentional affiliation or a NGO working for the up-liftment of the most in reverse classes in West Bengal since its root in the year 2020. It has improved its credibility as per close by accomplices through various out-of the-pocket and unselfish activities for the headway of the backward organizations like SC/ST/OBC and others neighborhood its space of intercession till date. We are in a general sense working in the Education and Training Program for Youth in West Bengal. Diverse Government Training Program are facilitated by our affiliation.


Battles for the endurance and improvement of poor and lacking individuals of planned rank and booked clan networks through benefiting free instruction, medical services, sterilization framework, food, insusceptible drinking water and other essential requirements for their strengthening and self improvement activity to protect the fundamental basic liberties.


A Society of in reverse networks without neediness, hunger, sex imbalance and lack of education.


1. To give essential and a-list instruction framework to the youngsters with an exceptional eye on young ladies.

2. To help the financially more fragile and truly disabled kids’ in their schooling and everyday life.

3. To start and run Schools, Colleges, Vocation Training Center, Computer Learning Centers for the monetarily more vulnerable segment of the general public.

4. To embrace different local area based medical services programs.

5. To mastermind different mindfulness programs in and around the task region to moderate Superstition.

6. To begin and run a clinic with tree administrations for the retrogressive networks and women’s.

7. To give the logical horticultural improvement activities for the tribal’s.

8. To do different financial formative exercises inside the ancestral networks for the their up-liftment in the general public.

9. To embrace logical common asset the board frameworks, for example, woods asset reusing activities for normal pay age of the ancestral by taking appropriate arrangement of creation to Marketing.

10. To elevate the forestation program to ensure the climate.

11. To complete the cleaning activities in and around the undertaking territory to kill contamination.

12. To advance ladies self improvement gathering age, little reserve funds and some other financial exercises to alleviate neediness.

13. To give free supper framework to misused individuals and monetarily more vulnerable families, old people groups to moderate appetite.

14. To develop mature age house and day care communities for more established people, short remain at home for upset women’s.

15. To advance local area associations, ladies’ association’s and campaigning for strengthening of networks.

16. To make individuals mindfulness about their privileges, privileges of the women’s, youngster rights and so on

17. To alleviate kid work issues, advance restoration through schooling and professional preparing.

18. To advance utilization of the eco-accommodating items for the everyday existence of tribals.

19. To complete and advance distinctive agriculture exercises, blended cultivating, incubation facility, fish cultivating exercises inside the ancestral for their pay age.

20. To give talented and incompetent labor in the appropriate business a for every the specialist’s desire.


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